Its The War of Rights
Doctrine of Necessity
Saraikistan Democratic Party
The Saraikistan Democratic Party is a representative party of all language-speaking Wasibzadas in the Saraiki region, whose primary objectives are to achieve equal rights for all classes above group, linguistic and religious prejudices, which has a large number of youths. The working class section of the region, including doctors, engineers, lawyers, clerks, farmers, teachers, laborers, students and students, etc., who are the architects of the future, are carrying with them and for the recovery of their basic problems and rights. The manifesto of this party includes the continuity in the policies along with the suspension of democratic demands.
Ever since Pakistan came into existence, the parties claiming national politics and the centrist ruling classes have been violating the identity and rights of Sirakistan. Except the locals did nothing but rule and impose minority values.
Most importantly, the Saraiki region is dependent on agriculture. Therefore, this region was deprived of water distribution and three rivers of this region were sold to India without asking the people of this region. Then, the water that was supposed to get to the region from the Indus Basin Agreement has not been received till date. Attention was paid to the construction of dams in the Malana region, so the agricultural region is still suffering from water shortage and millions of acres of land are becoming barren.
We do everything for the people
Visi & Mission
Believing in the integrity and stability of Pakistan, to strive hard for the establishment of Saraikistan province on 23 districts of Saraiki region within the Federation of Pakistan.
To recognize the rights of the people of this region by making practical efforts to identify the region and recover their rights.
It is our priority to remedy the exploitation of the farmers and laborers of Wasib and to play a full role in bringing the landless people to the uninhabited government areas of Wasib.
SDP fully believes that the construction of dams is the survival of not only Saraiki Wasib but the whole of Pakistan, so the construction of dams as soon as possible is inevitable.
SDP believes that the establishment of Saraikistan province is the guarantee of employment for all talented and educated youth of Wasib
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We Build A Better Place For Each Citizen
After the formation of Pakistan, in all the plans of the industrial development of Pakistan, the central governments were deprived of the Saraiki region. In any policy of establishing medical, engineering, atomic energy, aeronautical, and other higher education institutions in this country, Sri Lanka is badly neglected. And the region was neglected in the NFC award as well. And they continued to use the issue of Saraikistan as a political stunt and could not take any concrete steps for the establishment of the province. The current ruling party is working lazily about the establishment of the province after securing majority parliamentary seats from Saraiki Wasib on the basis of the written agreement and slogan of a separate province and has not yet been able to take any concrete practical steps. It is that the people of Wasib unite and strive hard to fulfill their promise to the rulers “to establish a separate province”. And regional politics in which proxy wars of many countries are trying to be fought in this country as well. Due to the backwardness of this region, it can be very influential.
If the feeling of deprivation in this region continues to increase, it can turn this region into a situation like FATA, Balochistan and Karachi like in the recent past. The rulers must learn lessons from the previous experiences. The Syrian Democratic Party believes in achieving the rights of all the deprived sections of the region and is trying to restore the rights of all.