Saraikistan Democretic Party

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" Everything we gave for the people, prosperity is our goal "

The visionary and ideological personality .He is the dedicated ,young and social person with strong political background.His uncle Rana Rub Nawaz Noon was MPA and Senior sraiki Leader.

He belongs to Dienisty of Feroz Kahn Noon 7th Prime Minister of Pakistan and the Gawadar port project is the fruit of his efferts. Rana Mohammad Faraz Noon started his work for saraiki wseb from 9 years ago and establish a forum “Sraikistan Youth Parliament”, a lott of youth joined this fourm in Sraiki national conference 2012, to appreciate his effort for sraiki wseb, Taaj Mohammad Khan Langah granted him the Title of “Farzand e Saraikistan in the presence of a lot of saraiki Leaders, writers and scholors.

He and his cabinet took a step forward for sraiki movement and established a Party Namely Sraikistan Democratic Party in 2013. He is the founder of SDP.

Our visi & mission

We do everything
for the people

Believing in the integrity and stability of Pakistan, to strive hard for the establishment of Saraikistan province on 23 districts of Saraiki region within the Federation of Pakistan.


To recognize the rights of the people of this region by making practical efforts to identify the region and recover their rights.

It is our priority to remedy the exploitation of the farmers and laborers of Wasib and to play a full role in bringing the landless people to the uninhabited government areas of Wasib.

SDP fully believes that the construction of dams is the survival of not only Saraiki Wasib but the whole of Pakistan, so the construction of dams as soon as possible is inevitable.

SDP believes that the establishment of Saraikistan province is the guarantee of employment for all talented and educated youth of Wasib